Council News

Safety Moment

Before you head to camp – complete the Annual Health and Medical Record.

Catching up with Roger C. Mosby, the BSA’s newest Chief Scout Executive


15 Hidden “Gems” in the Scout Handbook (for adults)


New Feature in My.Scouting

A new “Position Manager” tool, found on the Organization Manager page of My.Scouting, will be rolled out in the next few days. This new tool updates and replaces the current Organization Security Manager and gives any currently chartered unit the ability to change leader registrations without having to fill out applications and take to the office. This process does follow all registration rules.

Position Manager will allow Chartered Organization Representatives and their designee to change any leader positions, except the Chartered Organization Representative, with the drag of the mouse. It will require an overnight sync, and then the new leadership position will be updated in the unit.

The assignment of functional assignments like Key 3 Delegates and Membership Chair can be done in Position Manager too. The Position Manager Job Aid PDF illustrates the new tool and its features.


These Key BSA Tools and Applications Now Feature Simplified Logins

You can use your Apple ID or Google login to access Scoutbook, Internet Advancement or